In the United States, gun violence is a public health epidemic. 100 people die from gun related incidents per day. News of shootings are as routine as weather updates. Within the past five days alone, 7 mass shootings have occurred across four different states. Whether these shootings happen back to back, on school property, at a mall or in a parking lot, nothing in legislation changes. Outcries and advocacy, yes. Policy change? No. Having to grow up in an era where a standard classroom has a “gunshot-wound kit” should never be accepted as the new normal. And yet, that’s exactly what a teacher in California used last week in order to help a student injured at the Saugus High School shooting. Today, CNN reported that the suspect used a lethal gun kit of his own; the parts were bought separately and then later assembled to form a fully functioning firearm with no serial number or background check required, a ‘ghost gun.’ READ MORE